But I'd like to think that when the time comes, I'm more Dutch than American.
Look, I don't think that 16 year olds understand consequences. I didn't.
There are lots and lots of ways to not have consequences.
My kids keeping things from me because of some shame that I place on them is not going to help me help them avoid consequences.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Nope, it really doesn't matter
The line about the middle class and welfare checks is brilliant.
Here's a nice, neat summation of what's headed our way next week and for the next two years.
Here's a nice, neat summation of what's headed our way next week and for the next two years.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
It's booked
Had some really wonderful conversations with people in Boston today.
Oh yeah. Earlier today, I booked a trip to Boston to watch the Cubs play the Red Sox in Fenway Park.
As I've said more than a few times here, I'm going to go to every MLB park before I die. The Cubs are playing the Red Sox in Boston for the first time since 1918 next May. I'd decided as soon as I heard it that this was how I was going to see a game at Fenway.
Today, I booked the hotel, the flights, and the reservation at the Chocolate Bar at the Langham Hotel.
As a little bit of background, Amy and I enjoy watching the Travel Channel's specials on all the great places to eat around the country. I've been to a number of them as I make my way around the US on these ballpark trips. Amy fell in love with the idea of the Chocolate Buffet. I guess they even have chocolate soup. It was brought up at that time that there was no way I was going to Boston without her. So....
Amy and I are going to Boston. Me for baseball, her for chocolate soup. Oddly enough, we both get to enjoy the other's activity. Win. Win. While we're there, we'll swing by and do the tour of Fenway, hit the Freedom Trail, and, after further discussion tonight, we're probably going to skip an additional day of work and just enjoy our time away from home one more day. We haven't been away just the two of us in a while. It will be nice.
Oh yeah. Earlier today, I booked a trip to Boston to watch the Cubs play the Red Sox in Fenway Park.
As I've said more than a few times here, I'm going to go to every MLB park before I die. The Cubs are playing the Red Sox in Boston for the first time since 1918 next May. I'd decided as soon as I heard it that this was how I was going to see a game at Fenway.
Today, I booked the hotel, the flights, and the reservation at the Chocolate Bar at the Langham Hotel.
As a little bit of background, Amy and I enjoy watching the Travel Channel's specials on all the great places to eat around the country. I've been to a number of them as I make my way around the US on these ballpark trips. Amy fell in love with the idea of the Chocolate Buffet. I guess they even have chocolate soup. It was brought up at that time that there was no way I was going to Boston without her. So....
Amy and I are going to Boston. Me for baseball, her for chocolate soup. Oddly enough, we both get to enjoy the other's activity. Win. Win. While we're there, we'll swing by and do the tour of Fenway, hit the Freedom Trail, and, after further discussion tonight, we're probably going to skip an additional day of work and just enjoy our time away from home one more day. We haven't been away just the two of us in a while. It will be nice.
Week 2
I had a guitar lesson again last night. It was rough. I'm not allocating the time I need to to the pursuit of practice. I know it's only week 2, and I'm pretty settled into routine, but I have got to find 20-30 minutes a night to do this. On the plus side, the first lesson was a tad overwhelming, in that a lot of information got thrown at me very quickly. After last night, I better understood some things I was doing, and when my teacher and I played a song together, using a bunch of chords I didn't know prior, it didn't sound half bad.
I'll get there. Gonna be a while, but I'll get there.
I'll get there. Gonna be a while, but I'll get there.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Keeping up with this is hard
We've had some busy days in the office and at home. I've been unable to post thoughts here. It's very frustrating.
I do want to write a little something about the weather.
All day on Facebook, the Chicago people have been complaining about the weather.
There is a vital piece of advice I try to always remember when it comes to the weather.
Do you know what the Native Americans do when it rains?
They let it rain.
I do want to write a little something about the weather.
All day on Facebook, the Chicago people have been complaining about the weather.
There is a vital piece of advice I try to always remember when it comes to the weather.
Do you know what the Native Americans do when it rains?
They let it rain.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Well how about that?
The Giants won the pennant.
I'll say this: if someone had come to me and said, "Pick your 2 World Series teams from the 4 teams playing in the respective League Championship Series. If you get 1 right, we'll give you a thousand dollars. If you get two right, we'll give you ten thousand dollars. If you get none right, you owe five grand. Take the bet?"
I'll say this: if someone had come to me and said, "Pick your 2 World Series teams from the 4 teams playing in the respective League Championship Series. If you get 1 right, we'll give you a thousand dollars. If you get two right, we'll give you ten thousand dollars. If you get none right, you owe five grand. Take the bet?"
I'd have taken that bet.
And I'd have been out five grand.
Congratulations to the Giants and the Rangers. I'm looking forward to the World Series. Of course, this means that a new fan base will get a championship in my lifetime. That leaves 10 after this year. There will only be 10 teams in the Major Leagues who have not won the World Series in my lifetime after this year.
How come one of them has to be my team?
P'raps if the Cubs signed this 42 year old rookie phenom who can't throw and can't run to be their catcher - the curse would be over.... |
My favorite film
The other night, I'm flipping through the channels and I notice that one of the HD movie channels is having a long night featuring a couple of movies. Specifically, The Godfather and The Godfather Part II. For the record, I think The Godfather III is terrible when compared to its brothers, but is a fairly entertaining film on its own. It's just too damned bad Al Pacino forgot how to act before they made it.
Let's go right to it. I could go on forever like everyone else has about the opening scene, the exposition that happens in it, the sheer lavishness of the wedding framing the small scenes inside the Don's office. We get to meet all the major players, get to see what they're all about, and get a glimpse of what is to come....and it takes 25 minutes. THAT'S the beauty of the opening scene. Whenever I show the film to someone for the first time, I pause the film after the fadeout on the Don dancing with Connie and ask "How long do you think that took?" The answer is, inevitably, "Around 10 minutes." Nope. It was 25. About a third of the average film. And you haven't had a single moment of action yet. It grips you, it draws you in, and makes you want to watch the rest.
Next, we have the whole business with Tom Hagen and Woltz. The horsehead bit. Not much to comment on there. Great cinematography, and a whole lot of overacting, but you don't really get it. There's nothing menacing. You've got a lawyer talking to a movie studio chief.
Until Khartoum's head winds up in the silk sheets. That's what gets me. Hagen is so detached, so professional. There's nothing threatening about him in any way, shape, or form. He's Irish, bald, educated, and calm. Not exactly street style, thug "mafioso." Then a freaking horse's head winds up in a bed.
The next scene opens with the Don in his office. A bouquet of flowers arrives. The Don asks what they're about. Hagen says, "They're from Johnny, he's starring in that new picture." Brando doesn't even manage more than a grunt of acknowledgement. This is the first moment that nearly makes me wet myself. I'm an actor. I wish just ONCE, just ONCE, I could have a moment even 1/100th as cool as that. AND WE HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN TO THE BEST BRANDO MOMENT YET. Brando's take, the nonchalance, everything about it is just so perfect. It's business as usual to the Don. BUT IT WAS A FREAKING HORSE'S HEAD THAT GOT YOU THE FLOWERS!!! I know Brando was "method." I also know he didn't memorize his lines. Who the hell thinks to have that subtle a reaction? Genius.
Shortly thereafter we are introduced to Sollozzo. The Turk. This is the best Brando moment. There's a moment where the Don says to Sollozzo, (I'm paraphrasing, I'm sure) "I brought you here because I hear you're a man to be treated with respect." As he delivers this line, he gently brushes some lint, or a crumb off of Sollozzo's knee. Again. WHO THE HELL THINKS OF THAT?! It was both respect and "Fuck you very much" all at once. That moment gets frozen every time I watch the film I back it up, and I watch it again. It's so brilliant that the word "brilliant" doesn't do it. "Brandolliant?" Maybe. Look, I'm no Brando junkie. He was a great actor. I'm not out watching all his films, and adoring at his altar. I just am blown away by what he did in this film.
I'm getting long winded here. The film continues with lots and lots of good stuff happening. We see Michael join the organization, we see Sonny get killed, we see the Don get shot. We see Michael run away to Sicily. We see lots of great action. We see the Don die. We see the iconic murder of Paulie with the Statue of Liberty in the shot, the "Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes" line. The introduction of the term "bada bing" by James Caan. We see Michael ascend to the throne. We see him threaten Fredo. It's just great film making.
Then we get to the last 15 minutes. Michael stands Godfather to his sister Connie and her husband Carlo's baby. This is the same couple who was married at the start of the film. Michael stands in the church, knowing that what is going on while he is there is the mass slaughter of the Dons of the "Five Families" and the bullet through the eye of Moe Green. Michael, the cool, calculating war hero who was not supposed to be part of the family business, wipes out every one of his enemies in one fell swoop. While he renounces sin and Satan in a church. The transformation of Michael is complete. He became his father. Only WAY worse.
Now, what I haven't gotten to yet are the two coldest moments in the film. Tessio. The Don's loyal captain since he first strarted building his organization, has realized that the Corleone family is perhaps yesterday's news. He throws in with the chief antagonist/rival, Barzini. Michael knows this. Tessio arranges for a meeting, on his grounds, where Michael will be killed. Just as they're leaving for the meeting, Tessio, walking with Tom Hagen, is told Michael will meet him there. Hagen then says "I can't go either." Tessio is surrounded by men at this point. He knows what is coming. Everyone does. He looks at Hagen and says, "Tell Michael it was only business. I always liked him." Then he asks, "Can you get me off the hook Tom, for old-time's sake?" "Can't do it Sally." is the reply. COLD. Cold. Cold. How Abe Vigoda and Robert Duvall ever got through it is beyond me. Tessio is shoved into the car with his killers, and Hagen watches his life long friend drive away. For the last time. Cold.
Finally, we see Michael watch with steely resolve as the FATHER OF THE CHILD HE HAS JUST STOOD GODFATHER TO is killed in the driveway.
Chilling. We have thrown in with this guy, Michael. He's the hero. He's just killed his sister's husband. The day of his child's baptism. You can keep your horror icons like Freddie, Jason and the lot. No one scares the crap out of me more than Al Pacino as Michael Corleone in the first two Godfather movies.
I ramble.
I liked watching The Godfather the other night. I hope you find time to watch it some time.
![]() |
Tessio agrees. That last 15 minutes is brutal. |
Which kind of brings me to my point. The Godfather is my favorite film. I know, it's cliche. Fine. I don't think my reasons for it are. It's a bad ass movie, no doubt. BUT, it contains some of the finest moments of acting I've ever seen on screen, along with what has to be among the most chilling final 15 minutes of a movie, ever.
Let's go right to it. I could go on forever like everyone else has about the opening scene, the exposition that happens in it, the sheer lavishness of the wedding framing the small scenes inside the Don's office. We get to meet all the major players, get to see what they're all about, and get a glimpse of what is to come....and it takes 25 minutes. THAT'S the beauty of the opening scene. Whenever I show the film to someone for the first time, I pause the film after the fadeout on the Don dancing with Connie and ask "How long do you think that took?" The answer is, inevitably, "Around 10 minutes." Nope. It was 25. About a third of the average film. And you haven't had a single moment of action yet. It grips you, it draws you in, and makes you want to watch the rest.
Next, we have the whole business with Tom Hagen and Woltz. The horsehead bit. Not much to comment on there. Great cinematography, and a whole lot of overacting, but you don't really get it. There's nothing menacing. You've got a lawyer talking to a movie studio chief.
Until Khartoum's head winds up in the silk sheets. That's what gets me. Hagen is so detached, so professional. There's nothing threatening about him in any way, shape, or form. He's Irish, bald, educated, and calm. Not exactly street style, thug "mafioso." Then a freaking horse's head winds up in a bed.
The next scene opens with the Don in his office. A bouquet of flowers arrives. The Don asks what they're about. Hagen says, "They're from Johnny, he's starring in that new picture." Brando doesn't even manage more than a grunt of acknowledgement. This is the first moment that nearly makes me wet myself. I'm an actor. I wish just ONCE, just ONCE, I could have a moment even 1/100th as cool as that. AND WE HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN TO THE BEST BRANDO MOMENT YET. Brando's take, the nonchalance, everything about it is just so perfect. It's business as usual to the Don. BUT IT WAS A FREAKING HORSE'S HEAD THAT GOT YOU THE FLOWERS!!! I know Brando was "method." I also know he didn't memorize his lines. Who the hell thinks to have that subtle a reaction? Genius.
Shortly thereafter we are introduced to Sollozzo. The Turk. This is the best Brando moment. There's a moment where the Don says to Sollozzo, (I'm paraphrasing, I'm sure) "I brought you here because I hear you're a man to be treated with respect." As he delivers this line, he gently brushes some lint, or a crumb off of Sollozzo's knee. Again. WHO THE HELL THINKS OF THAT?! It was both respect and "Fuck you very much" all at once. That moment gets frozen every time I watch the film I back it up, and I watch it again. It's so brilliant that the word "brilliant" doesn't do it. "Brandolliant?" Maybe. Look, I'm no Brando junkie. He was a great actor. I'm not out watching all his films, and adoring at his altar. I just am blown away by what he did in this film.
I'm getting long winded here. The film continues with lots and lots of good stuff happening. We see Michael join the organization, we see Sonny get killed, we see the Don get shot. We see Michael run away to Sicily. We see lots of great action. We see the Don die. We see the iconic murder of Paulie with the Statue of Liberty in the shot, the "Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes" line. The introduction of the term "bada bing" by James Caan. We see Michael ascend to the throne. We see him threaten Fredo. It's just great film making.
Then we get to the last 15 minutes. Michael stands Godfather to his sister Connie and her husband Carlo's baby. This is the same couple who was married at the start of the film. Michael stands in the church, knowing that what is going on while he is there is the mass slaughter of the Dons of the "Five Families" and the bullet through the eye of Moe Green. Michael, the cool, calculating war hero who was not supposed to be part of the family business, wipes out every one of his enemies in one fell swoop. While he renounces sin and Satan in a church. The transformation of Michael is complete. He became his father. Only WAY worse.
Now, what I haven't gotten to yet are the two coldest moments in the film. Tessio. The Don's loyal captain since he first strarted building his organization, has realized that the Corleone family is perhaps yesterday's news. He throws in with the chief antagonist/rival, Barzini. Michael knows this. Tessio arranges for a meeting, on his grounds, where Michael will be killed. Just as they're leaving for the meeting, Tessio, walking with Tom Hagen, is told Michael will meet him there. Hagen then says "I can't go either." Tessio is surrounded by men at this point. He knows what is coming. Everyone does. He looks at Hagen and says, "Tell Michael it was only business. I always liked him." Then he asks, "Can you get me off the hook Tom, for old-time's sake?" "Can't do it Sally." is the reply. COLD. Cold. Cold. How Abe Vigoda and Robert Duvall ever got through it is beyond me. Tessio is shoved into the car with his killers, and Hagen watches his life long friend drive away. For the last time. Cold.
Finally, we see Michael watch with steely resolve as the FATHER OF THE CHILD HE HAS JUST STOOD GODFATHER TO is killed in the driveway.
Chilling. We have thrown in with this guy, Michael. He's the hero. He's just killed his sister's husband. The day of his child's baptism. You can keep your horror icons like Freddie, Jason and the lot. No one scares the crap out of me more than Al Pacino as Michael Corleone in the first two Godfather movies.
I ramble.
I liked watching The Godfather the other night. I hope you find time to watch it some time.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Only 3 left
Now that it looks like the Rangers are going to win the ALCS and move on to the World Series...
that means the total number of teams I haven't seen play in the World Series is 3...the Nationals/Expos, the Mariners and the Cubs.
And one of those is MY team.
In 2005, it was all I could take to watch the Series. Not because I'm anti-White Sox....but because neither team had played in the World Series in my lifetime. One of them was guaranteed to win, and another fan base was going to be celebrating, while I had memories of 2003 fresh in my head.
This year, if the Giants win...that means ANOTHER fan base is going to be happy this year. Ugh.
As depressing as the "3" is....at least there are still 11 teams that haven't won the Series in my lifetime. They are: the Rays; the Indians; the Rangers; the Mariners; the Nationals/Expos; the Brewers; the Astros; the Giants; the Rockies; the Padres and the Cubs.
Still. That "3" is just killing me.
that means the total number of teams I haven't seen play in the World Series is 3...the Nationals/Expos, the Mariners and the Cubs.
And one of those is MY team.
In 2005, it was all I could take to watch the Series. Not because I'm anti-White Sox....but because neither team had played in the World Series in my lifetime. One of them was guaranteed to win, and another fan base was going to be celebrating, while I had memories of 2003 fresh in my head.
This year, if the Giants win...that means ANOTHER fan base is going to be happy this year. Ugh.
As depressing as the "3" is....at least there are still 11 teams that haven't won the Series in my lifetime. They are: the Rays; the Indians; the Rangers; the Mariners; the Nationals/Expos; the Brewers; the Astros; the Giants; the Rockies; the Padres and the Cubs.
Still. That "3" is just killing me.
I used to wonder
How people dealt with attention-giving and having more than one child.
I was told it would just sort of happen when the time came.
I hate it when everybody else is right.
It's amazing. It's like a seventh sense (my sixth sense is when someone is bullshitting me).
Last night, I came home, and the 14 month old greeted me at the bottom of the basement stairs with a baseball. He and I play "catch" with it. So, it was Brady time. Barrett was busy on the Wii, didn't really need anything more than a "Hi Barrett" from me, and away we went. A short while later, Barrett was clamoring for me and Brady was content. So, now Barrett got the focus. It was totally subconscious. Then, a short while later, I was conscious. I looked at myself (I live a pretty examined life) and said, "Hmmmph. You've found time for both kids. You haven't done anything conscious, yet here are both children, getting attention from their daddy. How about that? You've done something right, without even knowing it. Just like EVERYBODY SAID YOU WOULD."
Lesson learned.
I was told it would just sort of happen when the time came.
I hate it when everybody else is right.
It's amazing. It's like a seventh sense (my sixth sense is when someone is bullshitting me).
Last night, I came home, and the 14 month old greeted me at the bottom of the basement stairs with a baseball. He and I play "catch" with it. So, it was Brady time. Barrett was busy on the Wii, didn't really need anything more than a "Hi Barrett" from me, and away we went. A short while later, Barrett was clamoring for me and Brady was content. So, now Barrett got the focus. It was totally subconscious. Then, a short while later, I was conscious. I looked at myself (I live a pretty examined life) and said, "Hmmmph. You've found time for both kids. You haven't done anything conscious, yet here are both children, getting attention from their daddy. How about that? You've done something right, without even knowing it. Just like EVERYBODY SAID YOU WOULD."
Lesson learned.
I don't care
What the backstory is.
This profanity laden tirade (you've been warned) still makes me laugh to no end.
"We saw that Terry Crowley could sit on his (deleted for taste's sake) ass for eight innings and enjoy watching the baseball game just like any other fan, and has the ability to get up there and break one open in the (deleted for taste's sake) ninth."
Kills me. Just kills me.
In the future...I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be "deleting for taste's sake." I'm using this as a warning shot.
This profanity laden tirade (you've been warned) still makes me laugh to no end.
"We saw that Terry Crowley could sit on his (deleted for taste's sake) ass for eight innings and enjoy watching the baseball game just like any other fan, and has the ability to get up there and break one open in the (deleted for taste's sake) ninth."
Kills me. Just kills me.
In the future...I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be "deleting for taste's sake." I'm using this as a warning shot.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
My wife...
...is nicknamed "Little Bunter." There's a reason for it.
My wife is 5'1". I'm a foot taller. That's not the reason though.
When Amy and I first started dating, I was talking about baseball or some such nonsense, and she talked about her own Little League career. She exclaimed "I couldn't hit, but I was a great little bunter!"
Something about the words "Little" and "Bunter" just seemed so perfect together to describe her, that I bestowed upon her the nickname right then and there. Bunter sounds like some sort of British idiom, and it makes me laugh to no end. It has stuck.
We have two children. Barrett - or "Littler Bunter" and Brady - or "Littlest Bunter." There isn't going to be another Littler Bunter, so Brady gets the "est."
Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
My wife is 5'1". I'm a foot taller. That's not the reason though.
When Amy and I first started dating, I was talking about baseball or some such nonsense, and she talked about her own Little League career. She exclaimed "I couldn't hit, but I was a great little bunter!"
Something about the words "Little" and "Bunter" just seemed so perfect together to describe her, that I bestowed upon her the nickname right then and there. Bunter sounds like some sort of British idiom, and it makes me laugh to no end. It has stuck.
We have two children. Barrett - or "Littler Bunter" and Brady - or "Littlest Bunter." There isn't going to be another Littler Bunter, so Brady gets the "est."
Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
That magical time
I know it drives my wife up the wall. I LOVE having our 14 month old fall asleep on me.
He's been in a phase where going in his crib makes him sad. And by sad, I mean SCREAMING. He's coming out of it, and the last 2 weeks have been better, but we took to taking him into our room, laying him on the bed next to us (me), giving him his bottle, and watching TV with him 'til he goes to sleep. It takes about half an hour or so, and I really enjoy the time.
Tonight, just as he was ready to nod off, Brady looks over at me and just starts smiling. Then giggling. I gently admonished him, then watched as he fell asleep. My wife came up a short time later, and asked me to move him to his crib while she took a shower. I didn't. Know why?
Because in about 3 years, there's no way a night like tonight will happen. He'll be a big boy, and won't want to have much to do with looking at me and smiling. For no reason.
I just wanted to hold him. Of course, I couldn't say that. Instead, I had to sit there and look like I just didn't care about what she had asked me.
He's in his crib now, and I'm here writing about it.
Ah well. At least we had that moment.
He's been in a phase where going in his crib makes him sad. And by sad, I mean SCREAMING. He's coming out of it, and the last 2 weeks have been better, but we took to taking him into our room, laying him on the bed next to us (me), giving him his bottle, and watching TV with him 'til he goes to sleep. It takes about half an hour or so, and I really enjoy the time.
Tonight, just as he was ready to nod off, Brady looks over at me and just starts smiling. Then giggling. I gently admonished him, then watched as he fell asleep. My wife came up a short time later, and asked me to move him to his crib while she took a shower. I didn't. Know why?
Because in about 3 years, there's no way a night like tonight will happen. He'll be a big boy, and won't want to have much to do with looking at me and smiling. For no reason.
I just wanted to hold him. Of course, I couldn't say that. Instead, I had to sit there and look like I just didn't care about what she had asked me.
He's in his crib now, and I'm here writing about it.
Ah well. At least we had that moment.
I'm calling shenanigans on this story.
1. It was 47 years ago. It's possible this has been embellished.
2. I doubt VERY seriously that anyone says "Let me see your face, you bastard." in situations like that.
3. The President of the United States, the day after the assassination of the last President skulks through his former house and the Secret Service Agent who is there doesn't know it's him, or even acknowledge he was informed he MIGHT be in the house?! I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that there would have been a whole team of agents and supervisors there telling him - "Johnson's coming. As a matter of protocol - please don't cock your gun and aim it at him."
4. If this guy was close enough to Kennedy to know that he didn't dally with Marilyn Monroe, explain to me how the day after Kennedy's death he was put on night patrol of an empty Vice President's house. I'll wait. Right over here. In the corner. I won't sneak up on you, though.
5. Bullshit. Just bullshit. 47 years later and the Kennedy mystery can still make anyone even remotely associated with it some money. Good on this guy for finally cashing in. His story is still bullshit though.
1. It was 47 years ago. It's possible this has been embellished.
2. I doubt VERY seriously that anyone says "Let me see your face, you bastard." in situations like that.
3. The President of the United States, the day after the assassination of the last President skulks through his former house and the Secret Service Agent who is there doesn't know it's him, or even acknowledge he was informed he MIGHT be in the house?! I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that there would have been a whole team of agents and supervisors there telling him - "Johnson's coming. As a matter of protocol - please don't cock your gun and aim it at him."
4. If this guy was close enough to Kennedy to know that he didn't dally with Marilyn Monroe, explain to me how the day after Kennedy's death he was put on night patrol of an empty Vice President's house. I'll wait. Right over here. In the corner. I won't sneak up on you, though.
5. Bullshit. Just bullshit. 47 years later and the Kennedy mystery can still make anyone even remotely associated with it some money. Good on this guy for finally cashing in. His story is still bullshit though.
I've got to get off baseball soon...
But when is MLB going to do something about bats shattering?
Someone's going to die.
Someone is going to die.
It has to be fixed.
Someone's going to die.
Someone is going to die.
It has to be fixed.
30 Stadia with only 6 days off work....
As I've discussed a bunch here, I'm a fan of baseball. I love the statistics, I love the math, I love the game.
I am on a quest to see a game played in every Major League Stadium in my lifetime. So far I've gotten to 11. 4 of them don't exist anymore, but I've been to both Old Comiskey and what is now US Cellular. I have 22 more to get to. That's a daunting task. On the plus side, there are some geographical advantages to the layout of major cities in this country. They tend to be bunched, and Chicago is right in the center of a bunch of them. I'm at a clear advantage to seeing lots of places without taking long breaks from work.
There are lots of websites that can tell you how to get around in a month. I can't afford a month away from work or family. I'm sure most people can't.
So, you ask, how does this work? I'm doing this as a service to you and to myself.
1. The following cities are within 8 hours drive time from Chicago. You can go to these on a weekend, and you might not feel like you're wasting your life (provided you leave EARLY on Saturday morning).
A. Minneapolis (Target Field)
B. Milwaukee (Miller Park)
C. St. Louis (Busch Stadium)
D. Kansas City (Kauffman Stadium)
E. Detroit (Comerica Park)
F. Cincinnati (Great American Ballpark)
G. Cleveland (Progressive Field - formerly Jacobs Field)
H. Pittsburgh (PNC Park)
I. Toronto (bring your passport) (Rogers Centre - formerly SkyDome)
Throw in your 2 Chicago stadia, and you've got 11 within a relatively short distance. That's more than a third of them.
2. Taking off a few from the above there is a trip that you can do that does 4 stadia in 4 days that is within driving distance of Chicago. The following 4 cities are relatively close to each other, so the longest drives are out from Chicago and back. I would suggest the best way is to start in Pittsburgh and end in Detroit.
A. Detroit
B. Toronto
C. Cleveland
D. Pittsburgh
From here on out, these trips are assuming air travel. This is where this gets pricey. I'm fortunate in that my company has free air travel almost anywhere I want to go. Your situation may differ. If you're prudent, and deal with it correctly, you should be able to fly relatively cheap with a little planning.
3. The following cities are kind of "islands." There's no other stadium within 5 hours drive time. That prevents it from feeling like a good way to spend an efficient baseball weekend if you're from Chicago.
A. Denver (Coors Field)
B. Seattle (Safeco Field)
C. Atlanta (Turner Field)
Unfortunately, these trips will have to be solo trips if you want to avoid missing work.
4. "The West Coast Swing" Did you know that there are 4 teams within a relative close distance in the southern portion of the west coast? The following can be done in 4 days.
A. LA Dodgers (Dodger Stadium)
B. LA Angels (Angel Stadium - "The Big A")
C. San Diego (Petco Park)
D. Phoenix (Chase Field)
I would recommend flying into or out of LA, then flying into or out of Phoenix.
So, now we're up to 18 stadia in 7 "day trips," two 4 day trips and 3 weekends.
5. Now we get to the 2 stadia in the same city, or real close together. These are:
A. San Francisco (AT&T Park)/Oakland (Oakland - Alameda Coliseum)
B. New York Yankees (New Yankee Stadium)/New York Mets (Citi Field)
I would also tack Boston (Fenway Park) onto the New York trip. It's 3 hours away. You can do 3 stadia in 3 days that way. I'm not doing it that way, because I've already been to New York once (Shea and Old Yankee) and my wife wants to go to Boston. It's a solo trip for me. The repeat of the New York swing will have to be another weekend for me.
Recapping - 23 stadia now, with 2 more weekends. We've made it real efficient to do this. You've seen 23 stadia, and if done over 2 day weekends, the MOST you've missed is 5 days of work. Do it on 3 day weekends, and you could potentially have only missed 2 days of work. Provided you can afford air travel, you've done pretty well for yourself and you've seen a whole lot of the U.S.
6. Now we come to the trip I just did. This is a 3 day trip.
A. Philadelphia (Citizens Bank Park)
B. Baltimore (Oriole Park at Camden Yards)
C. Washington D.C. (Nationals Park)
I'm going to write a whole bunch about this trip soon. Here's a quick tip. Fly into/out of Baltimore. Make Baltimore your home base. There are nice hotels within walking distance of Camden Yards, and the inner harbor is cool. Plus it's only 2 hours from Philly, and an hour from D.C.
26 now. You've missed 6 days of work on normal weekends. Still at 2 if you can make 3 day weekends work.
7. Last 4. These are in the same state. They're a hike from each other, but they're driveable in a weekend.
A. Tampa (Tropicana Field)/Miami (Sun Life Stadium)
B. Houston (Minute Maid Park)/Arlington (Rangers Ballpark in Arlington)
CAUTION. The Marlins get a new stadium in 2012. (Provided the Mayans were full of shit, that is) If you want to see the Marlins in their old home, you've got next year. There should be tickets available. Thousands of them.
There it is. Now, all of this is dependent on scheduling. You must take your time, look through each team's schedules, figure out how to squeeze driving time in, etc. But, if you can.....
You've seen baseball in every Major League Stadium. You've done it this way:
7 "day trips" from Chicago
2 Four day trips with 4 stadia
2 Three day trips with 3 stadia
3 Weekends with one stadium
3 Weekends with two stadia.
You've missed 6 days of work, or if you do it over 3 day weekends exclusively - TWO DAYS. You've seen 8 of the top 10 cities in terms of population (if you consider Arlington close enough to Dallas). You've been to our nation's capital, been where the nation was born, been to the city that never sleeps, been to the city by the bay (my personal favorite) and you've seen where the Revolution started.
All because you love baseball.
I'd love questions or commentary on this.
I am on a quest to see a game played in every Major League Stadium in my lifetime. So far I've gotten to 11. 4 of them don't exist anymore, but I've been to both Old Comiskey and what is now US Cellular. I have 22 more to get to. That's a daunting task. On the plus side, there are some geographical advantages to the layout of major cities in this country. They tend to be bunched, and Chicago is right in the center of a bunch of them. I'm at a clear advantage to seeing lots of places without taking long breaks from work.
There are lots of websites that can tell you how to get around in a month. I can't afford a month away from work or family. I'm sure most people can't.
So, you ask, how does this work? I'm doing this as a service to you and to myself.
1. The following cities are within 8 hours drive time from Chicago. You can go to these on a weekend, and you might not feel like you're wasting your life (provided you leave EARLY on Saturday morning).
A. Minneapolis (Target Field)
B. Milwaukee (Miller Park)
C. St. Louis (Busch Stadium)
D. Kansas City (Kauffman Stadium)
E. Detroit (Comerica Park)
F. Cincinnati (Great American Ballpark)
G. Cleveland (Progressive Field - formerly Jacobs Field)
H. Pittsburgh (PNC Park)
I. Toronto (bring your passport) (Rogers Centre - formerly SkyDome)
Throw in your 2 Chicago stadia, and you've got 11 within a relatively short distance. That's more than a third of them.
2. Taking off a few from the above there is a trip that you can do that does 4 stadia in 4 days that is within driving distance of Chicago. The following 4 cities are relatively close to each other, so the longest drives are out from Chicago and back. I would suggest the best way is to start in Pittsburgh and end in Detroit.
A. Detroit
B. Toronto
C. Cleveland
D. Pittsburgh
From here on out, these trips are assuming air travel. This is where this gets pricey. I'm fortunate in that my company has free air travel almost anywhere I want to go. Your situation may differ. If you're prudent, and deal with it correctly, you should be able to fly relatively cheap with a little planning.
3. The following cities are kind of "islands." There's no other stadium within 5 hours drive time. That prevents it from feeling like a good way to spend an efficient baseball weekend if you're from Chicago.
A. Denver (Coors Field)
B. Seattle (Safeco Field)
C. Atlanta (Turner Field)
Unfortunately, these trips will have to be solo trips if you want to avoid missing work.
4. "The West Coast Swing" Did you know that there are 4 teams within a relative close distance in the southern portion of the west coast? The following can be done in 4 days.
A. LA Dodgers (Dodger Stadium)
B. LA Angels (Angel Stadium - "The Big A")
C. San Diego (Petco Park)
D. Phoenix (Chase Field)
I would recommend flying into or out of LA, then flying into or out of Phoenix.
So, now we're up to 18 stadia in 7 "day trips," two 4 day trips and 3 weekends.
5. Now we get to the 2 stadia in the same city, or real close together. These are:
A. San Francisco (AT&T Park)/Oakland (Oakland - Alameda Coliseum)
B. New York Yankees (New Yankee Stadium)/New York Mets (Citi Field)
I would also tack Boston (Fenway Park) onto the New York trip. It's 3 hours away. You can do 3 stadia in 3 days that way. I'm not doing it that way, because I've already been to New York once (Shea and Old Yankee) and my wife wants to go to Boston. It's a solo trip for me. The repeat of the New York swing will have to be another weekend for me.
Recapping - 23 stadia now, with 2 more weekends. We've made it real efficient to do this. You've seen 23 stadia, and if done over 2 day weekends, the MOST you've missed is 5 days of work. Do it on 3 day weekends, and you could potentially have only missed 2 days of work. Provided you can afford air travel, you've done pretty well for yourself and you've seen a whole lot of the U.S.
6. Now we come to the trip I just did. This is a 3 day trip.
A. Philadelphia (Citizens Bank Park)
B. Baltimore (Oriole Park at Camden Yards)
C. Washington D.C. (Nationals Park)
I'm going to write a whole bunch about this trip soon. Here's a quick tip. Fly into/out of Baltimore. Make Baltimore your home base. There are nice hotels within walking distance of Camden Yards, and the inner harbor is cool. Plus it's only 2 hours from Philly, and an hour from D.C.
26 now. You've missed 6 days of work on normal weekends. Still at 2 if you can make 3 day weekends work.
7. Last 4. These are in the same state. They're a hike from each other, but they're driveable in a weekend.
A. Tampa (Tropicana Field)/Miami (Sun Life Stadium)
B. Houston (Minute Maid Park)/Arlington (Rangers Ballpark in Arlington)
CAUTION. The Marlins get a new stadium in 2012. (Provided the Mayans were full of shit, that is) If you want to see the Marlins in their old home, you've got next year. There should be tickets available. Thousands of them.
There it is. Now, all of this is dependent on scheduling. You must take your time, look through each team's schedules, figure out how to squeeze driving time in, etc. But, if you can.....
You've seen baseball in every Major League Stadium. You've done it this way:
7 "day trips" from Chicago
2 Four day trips with 4 stadia
2 Three day trips with 3 stadia
3 Weekends with one stadium
3 Weekends with two stadia.
You've missed 6 days of work, or if you do it over 3 day weekends exclusively - TWO DAYS. You've seen 8 of the top 10 cities in terms of population (if you consider Arlington close enough to Dallas). You've been to our nation's capital, been where the nation was born, been to the city that never sleeps, been to the city by the bay (my personal favorite) and you've seen where the Revolution started.
All because you love baseball.
I'd love questions or commentary on this.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Well, that was fun...
Just returned from my first real guitar lesson.
Holy crap.
To enlighten you a bit...I'm no athlete, but I can play most sports at a reasonably competent level. I can do choreography if instructed, I can read music and sing. I can take a script and tear it apart pretty quickly and get to the meat of a character in relatively short order. I trimmed my own house, can paint without masking...
Anyway - there aren't many things I do that I feel uncomfortable doing. People generally view me as someone who is a capable person.
Until tonight. Ugh. I've been playing the guitar for 24 years off and on. I know BASIC chord structure, and can accompany myself while I sing.
Tonight I started to learn scales. Two left thumbs isn't even close. I'm not sure my pinky finger is attached to the rest of my left hand. I tried to do things quickly....but wound up hitting strings I wasn't aiming at, going back and starting again, basically being a complete spaz.
It didn't help that when my 42 year old frame walked in the door, the only other students at the music shop were brought by parents who were younger than ME.
But you know what's great about it? I didn't quit. And I'm not going to. And next week, I'll be better than I was today. It was humiliating. But, I see where it's leading. I may never be David Gilmour. In fact, I'm just going to go ahead and assert that I will NEVER be David Gilmour. I will, however, be Randy who is slightly better at guitar.
I can live with that.
Holy crap.
To enlighten you a bit...I'm no athlete, but I can play most sports at a reasonably competent level. I can do choreography if instructed, I can read music and sing. I can take a script and tear it apart pretty quickly and get to the meat of a character in relatively short order. I trimmed my own house, can paint without masking...
Anyway - there aren't many things I do that I feel uncomfortable doing. People generally view me as someone who is a capable person.
Until tonight. Ugh. I've been playing the guitar for 24 years off and on. I know BASIC chord structure, and can accompany myself while I sing.
This is way cooler than I looked tonight. |
It didn't help that when my 42 year old frame walked in the door, the only other students at the music shop were brought by parents who were younger than ME.
But you know what's great about it? I didn't quit. And I'm not going to. And next week, I'll be better than I was today. It was humiliating. But, I see where it's leading. I may never be David Gilmour. In fact, I'm just going to go ahead and assert that I will NEVER be David Gilmour. I will, however, be Randy who is slightly better at guitar.
I can live with that.
Boston, here I come
For those of you who are Facebook friends of mine, you know that I was pretty....what's the word.....annoying...about talking about my recent Baseball Pilgrimage to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington D.C.
Well. Turns out my favorite team is playing in Fenway Park next May.
Guess who's going?!
Me, baby!
This is great. My wife wants to go to Boston because of this testament to indulgence, and I want to go see Fenway. You know what this is? A win-win. We can make a weekend out of it, I don't feel like I've burned a whole weekend away from home to only see ONE baseball stadium, (Boston is pretty isolated in terms of baseball geography - more to come on this) and I get to see the Cubs play. The company I work for has a bunch of free airline tickets, so the ride out and back is free.
Now. Who's got two?
Well. Turns out my favorite team is playing in Fenway Park next May.
Guess who's going?!
Me, baby!
This is great. My wife wants to go to Boston because of this testament to indulgence, and I want to go see Fenway. You know what this is? A win-win. We can make a weekend out of it, I don't feel like I've burned a whole weekend away from home to only see ONE baseball stadium, (Boston is pretty isolated in terms of baseball geography - more to come on this) and I get to see the Cubs play. The company I work for has a bunch of free airline tickets, so the ride out and back is free.
Now. Who's got two?
I love this.
This is the first political one I'm doing. There will be lots more but this guy is an honest politician. At least this sentence is.
Monday, October 18, 2010
The playoff game is over
And I've been on the computer. The remote is within reach. Jim Belushi just joined George Lopez as his guest.
Know that scene in "Poltergeist" where the house ingests itself?
Yeah, I'm afraid that that much unfunny on my TV at once will cause that to happen.
Must change channel.
Know that scene in "Poltergeist" where the house ingests itself?
Yeah, I'm afraid that that much unfunny on my TV at once will cause that to happen.
Must change channel.
Cliff Lee...
...is a stone cold bitch. Way to go Rangers. Guess we get to see your beautiful stadium at least one more time this year.
I've been to a bunch. I have a feeling I'm going to like the one in Arlington the best of all of them.
I've been to a bunch. I have a feeling I'm going to like the one in Arlington the best of all of them.
Guitar Lessons
My name is Randy and I'm a bad guitar player.
OK. Well, I'm not horrible. For really never having taken a lesson EVER, I guess I can hold my own.
I'm just not very good at it.
Tomorrow I embark on a middle aged task. I'm going to learn to play guitar better than I do. I'm going to learn to play some lead. I'm going to be able to make rock face and actually have the chops to back it up. It's time. I'm not getting any younger. It's something I've always wanted to do, so dammit, I'm doing it. I was encouraged when the guy on the phone I was booking the lessons with said, "Oh, you can read music? Well, you're way ahead of the game..." We'll see how that actually translates to any sort of skill.
Bah. As I told the guy...if someone teaches me how to play the opening riffs of "Gimme Three Steps," well, I'm a winner in my book.
OK. Well, I'm not horrible. For really never having taken a lesson EVER, I guess I can hold my own.
Earlier this year, I bought myself a Squier Affinity Stratocaster. I've played chords on acoustic guitar for years, mostly because I LOVE the sound of my own singing voice. That's right, I'm not afraid to admit it. I LOVE the way I sing. I sit with my guitar and accompany myself on various ballads, a few rockers, a whole lot of Beatles and just about anything I can play. I've used this as a weapon when wooing women. I've used it as a fun device to play for kids. I've played for a funeral, a wedding or two, and on stage in plays a couple of times.
I'm just not very good at it.
Tomorrow I embark on a middle aged task. I'm going to learn to play guitar better than I do. I'm going to learn to play some lead. I'm going to be able to make rock face and actually have the chops to back it up. It's time. I'm not getting any younger. It's something I've always wanted to do, so dammit, I'm doing it. I was encouraged when the guy on the phone I was booking the lessons with said, "Oh, you can read music? Well, you're way ahead of the game..." We'll see how that actually translates to any sort of skill.
Bah. As I told the guy...if someone teaches me how to play the opening riffs of "Gimme Three Steps," well, I'm a winner in my book.
I seem to have figured out the glitch with posting at home. I guess I can write here. Wahoo!
Now I need to write about something.
Now I need to write about something.
Getting up to speed....
OK. This blog thing not working at home is a HUGE problem. I haven't taken the time to sift through every setting on this yet, so I have to do that.
In the meantime....how's Monday?
To continue with the overall baseball theme...The Cubs have Ronnie Woo Woo. He's annoying as hell. I've had the pleasure (all irony intended) of sitting next to him briefly during a game in 2001. I've run into Ronnie nearly every damned time I'm at the game.
For years, the New York Yankees had Freddy. As in "Freddy Sez." He was a fan like Ronnie Woo Woo who just kind of made his way around the stadium, banging on his frying pan and holding a sign. In 2008, when I made the trip to old Yankee Stadium, he was there as we watched the Yanks dismantle the Rays. He popped up to our section and I took a photo. As much as I loathe Ronnie Woo Woo, there is something about these guys that just screams "Baseball." They are so uniquely tied to the teams who really want nothing to do with them....
Anyway - Freddy Sez died over the weekend. There's a nice article about him here.
In the meantime....how's Monday?
To continue with the overall baseball theme...The Cubs have Ronnie Woo Woo. He's annoying as hell. I've had the pleasure (all irony intended) of sitting next to him briefly during a game in 2001. I've run into Ronnie nearly every damned time I'm at the game.
For years, the New York Yankees had Freddy. As in "Freddy Sez." He was a fan like Ronnie Woo Woo who just kind of made his way around the stadium, banging on his frying pan and holding a sign. In 2008, when I made the trip to old Yankee Stadium, he was there as we watched the Yanks dismantle the Rays. He popped up to our section and I took a photo. As much as I loathe Ronnie Woo Woo, there is something about these guys that just screams "Baseball." They are so uniquely tied to the teams who really want nothing to do with them....
Anyway - Freddy Sez died over the weekend. There's a nice article about him here.
My photo of "Freddy Sez" - Sept. 14, 2008 |
Friday, October 15, 2010
Get the hell out of here.
When I first heard about this, I was all like, "No WAY. There's NO WAY that can be true. I guess you really don't know people do you?!"
Sadly, it appears to be true.
In other news you probably never expected: oxygen is still vital to breathe; food is necessary for life; and if you stand in the rain, you're going to get wet.
Sadly, it appears to be true.
In other news you probably never expected: oxygen is still vital to breathe; food is necessary for life; and if you stand in the rain, you're going to get wet.
Last time on this
I'm not going to discuss the style of this blog...because do you really want to know what I intend to do, or would you rather I just did it and you caught up?
That's what I thought.
My favorite blogger is Andrew Sullivan. I will be writing like him and adjusting to meet my needs. Basically, I'm ripping him off. Kinda. We'll see.
On with the show.
That's what I thought.
My favorite blogger is Andrew Sullivan. I will be writing like him and adjusting to meet my needs. Basically, I'm ripping him off. Kinda. We'll see.
On with the show.
And they GOT their teams to the playoffs twice....
Soriano is overpriced. So is Zambrano. Both have underachieved in the playoffs. At least they're not this guy. I cannot imagine what fans in San Francisco must feel for the good money after bad that has been heaped upon Barry Zito.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
I must be blog challenged. Or maybe it's a sign. I've tried to post this 3 times now. Let's see if this one works.
This is my blog.
A lot of it will appeal to some of you. Some of it will appeal to most of you. A little of it will appeal to no one. All of it appeals to me.
To dispense with the formalities: I'm doing this because my wife asked me why I didn't and I couldn't think of a single reason.
I'm also not shy about talking about myself.
I hope you enjoy....thanks.....
This is my blog.
A lot of it will appeal to some of you. Some of it will appeal to most of you. A little of it will appeal to no one. All of it appeals to me.
To dispense with the formalities: I'm doing this because my wife asked me why I didn't and I couldn't think of a single reason.
I'm also not shy about talking about myself.
I hope you enjoy....thanks.....
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