Sunday, December 19, 2010

The best laid plans.....

I will call you Stitchface. 
(Greatest Simpsons Episode EVER)

Well.  It was a busy weekend.  Mostly.  Barrett and I finished buying his Christmas presents for his brother and his mommy, then we went to celebrate my niece Allison's 13th birthday.  Today was Barrett's show for his acting class, followed by a little dessert at my folks' house.  Then, tonight, I was going to work on guitar and my review of Joe's Stone Crab. 

The best laid plans....

I went to the store to get some rolls for dinner, and while there, Brady decided to test and see how big an impact he could make on the coffee table with his forehead.  The answer was:  pretty big.  I came home to Barrett telling me that there was Brady's blood all over the place and to come downstairs right now.  There I found a very shaken up mommy, a very shaken up big brother, and a fairly quiet (for him) 16 month old.  He had put a sizeable gash in his forehead, and as Barrett had reported....there was a substantial bit of blood spread around. 

I wasted no time in announcing that we were going to the ER, and that I could not believe the ONE (and I do mean ONE) time I left the house without my phone is the time I needed it.  We live only a short distance from the hospital, so it was a quick drive.  I was a little taken aback when he was not admitted immediately.  A toddler with blood all over his head...and he has to wait?! 

Anyway, Brady got 3 stitches.  For those of you who have never had to deal with stitches in a's traumatic.  I got stitches in my forehead when I was 3.  I still remember the doctor doing the work, holding me down, etc. etc.  I don't want to get too graphic, because I don't want my wife to know how much the little guy went through...but that is something I really don't want to ever repeat.  Ever. 

Everyone is home, and everyone is fine.  Barrett was a great big brother.  He cleaned up the blood on the floor in the kitchen, helped mommy stay as calm as she could, worried his little head off about his baby brother, and was just great.  I'm so proud of him. 

Brady was back to his normal daredevil self as soon as we got home.  He was teasing and smiling and doing all the things that make him so uniquely "Brady." 

I'll never be the same.  That's OK.  I was bored with that version of me anyway. 

I'll get to the review of Joe's before the week's out.  Tonight was the night for that.  I'll get there.   

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