Friday, November 12, 2010

I never would have guessed

I've been taking guitar lessons.  Prompting this was my purchase of an electric guitar last spring.  I bought myself a Squier Stratocaster, thinking that if this mid-life crisis thing fizzled, at least I wouldn't be out a ton of cash.  Squier Strats are made by Fender.  They are the Nissan to the Fender Infiniti.  They are OK, but they are definitely not up to Fender specs. 

Since I started taking lessons, learning more than I ever have, I've toyed with the idea of upgrading.  I'm not rushing into it, but I've been thinking about it.  Being a father of 2, and dealing with the downturn in the economy by taking a 20% pay cut 2 years ago, expendable cash is less readily available.  So, I've been looking at used guitars online. 

Holy crap. 

Basically, from my research on Craigslist and eBay, a Fender guitar, if properly cared for, is the equivalent of a diamond.  It never loses its value. 

Apparently, a recession proof investment.

So, it appears that if I decide at some point to actually invest in one of these things, and take reasonably good care of it, my kids should be able to sell it for its purchase price (if not more) when I'm dirt surfing. 

Who'da thunk it? 

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